Hi, I'm Sarah and I'm so glad you're here!

The Short Story
I’m a 30-something #boymom to Theo, married to the love of my life, and living in Michigan.
I’m a Capricorn through and through.
I love motherhood, deep conversations, and that feeling of complete relaxation when you’re with people you’re truly comfortable with.
I don’t like coffee or beer, surface level friendships, or lying.

The Long Story
From a very young age I knew I wanted to run my own business. Both of my parents own their own businesses so you could say it’s in my blood.
As a kid I remember more than once taking a change of clothes and dinner up to my dad’s office because he was sleeping at work again. I also remember driving around with my mom putting flyers on the outsides of mailboxes to advertise her company. In kindergarten, I would refuse to go to daycare for the 2nd half of the day because I’d rather go on curtain installs and hang out with her than play with the other kids.
Have I mentioned that I’m a Capricorn? Maybe that one sentence will sum up everything there is to know about me.
In 2007 I moved from my hometown in Michigan to Los Angeles where I didn’t know anyone to go to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. For the first time ever, I felt like I fit in and knew what I wanted to do with my career.
I graduated and then spent the few years following graduation hustling trying to make it work. I worked two jobs, napped in my car on my lunch break, and had no time or money to enjoy my life. I was burned out and miserable so I decided it was time to move home. I wasn’t any closer to my dream career and moving back to Michigan felt like a total failure.
I took a job as the first hire at a wedding video startup in Detroit which I ended up taking over a year later. During the 4 years that I ran the business, I started my blog and YouTube channel as a creative outlet. I knew that the wedding industry wasn’t where my heart was, but didn’t know what direction to go in. Finally, I decided to sell the business and walk away to pursue something I was more passionate about.
One year later, Essbe was born after a very random dream I had about making bracelets. My entire career people have made comments about how it’s “just clothing and makeup”. I had finally put my finger on it and wanted my brand to celebrate exactly what it is. It’s not JUST clothing and makeup. It’s the feeling of confidence you get when you walk out the door in an outfit that fits perfectly. It’s feeling exactly like YOU in a piece of jewelry that shows off your personality. It’s not the material items, it’s the feelings they provoke.
I’m passionate about empowering women and making people feel beautiful just the way they are. If my jewelry makes even one person feel confident in their skin and my story lights a fire for one person to pursue their dreams then I’ve hit my goal.
Fast forward a few years, I am now married to the love of my life and we have the sweetest son, Theo. I hope someday Theo will have fond memories of seeing me follow my dreams just like I have of my parents.
my everyday jewelry
These are the current pieces I've been wearing on repeat daily. To say I'm obsessed would be an understatement!